Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Average life of a house ? way to increased the life of house

Nowadays, not only in the city but also in the village, modern building materials are being used. Houses built using old techniques using mud, stone/brick and wood are disappearing. Modern concrete houses are being built all over the country using modern technology, cement, sand, gravel and sand.

Houses built using old technology used to have a long life. Some of the houses built two or three hundred years ago can still be seen. However, it is said that the lifespan of concrete houses is not that long.

As time passes, the structural strength and luster of any house begins to fade. Many or almost all structural engineer says that the strength of houses made of cement (RCC) technology will start to decline soon.

Average lifespan of a concrete house

Generally, the quality of construction materials used in house construction, construction process, land condition etc. determine the life of the house. The structural engineer says that there is no reason to assume that the lifespan of any house is the same.

According to international studies, the average lifespan of any concrete structure is 75 to 100 years. However, it is said that the average lifespan of an apartment made of concrete is 50 to 60 years.

according to my point of views i used to say that the average lifespan of a single concrete structural house built individually is 50 years.  The lifespan of such houses will not be long as the lifespan of the construction materials of concrete technology is decreasing.

Why is the age of the house?

A house is a structure, which is made of a combination of various elements. And, the lifespan of those elements decreases with time. Such as environmental impact, human use, poor design, poor quality construction materials, poor soil, etc.

 Natural building materials such as clay, stone and good wood have a lifespan of many years. That is why hundred year old houses are equally strong. However, modern man-made building materials such as cement and wood have a fixed lifespan. After that time, the cement becomes weak. Weak cement means that the house itself is becoming weak.Therefore, he argues that the average lifespan of RCC technology houses is 50 years. However, the civil engineer says that if the structure is strengthened and regular maintenance is carried out, the lifespan of any house will be extended to 70/75 years.

How to increase the life of the house?.

According to Tandukar, director of KSM Services, the lifespan of any house can be increased if it is regularly maintained. Regular maintenance can increase the life of the house by 10 to 20 percent.

I will suggested some measures to increase the life of the house which may be useful for you.

  • Regular cleaning, proper waste management and disposal of waste materials are very important.
  • Furniture maintenance and regular cleaning is mandatory. The walls and walls of the house should be checked annually.
  • Weather conditions play an important role in building construction. Many problems can occur in concrete structures in areas that receive a lot of rain. If water enters the building, the structure of the building can quickly weaken. Therefore, the house should be built in such a way that water does not enter. Do not allow moisture to enter the house.
  • When you build a house, you should prepare the design of the house with an experienced architect engineer. And, using quality building materials according to the design of the house can increase the average life of the house. Rather than using modern technology building materials, using locally produced materials can increase the average life of the house. For example, instead of uPVC, aluminum windows and doors, the house will be stronger if wooden windows and doors are made of Agrakha(woods).
  • If the right materials are used in the construction process, the average lifespan of the structure can be increased. With regular maintenance and proper care, the house will last for years.
  • Applying collar on the outside of the house also strengthens the house. Recently, water-proof, weather-proof colors have started to be available, which can protect the house from sunlight. Published: 14 days ago
Note :- This article is the outcome from my experience on construction field.

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